Nuclear Energy: Just The Facts

Nuclear Energy: Just the Facts is a 36 page booklet about consumer nuclear energy for the layperson that I delivered from concept to completion. The publication is drenched in bright jewel tone colors and packed with large, eye-catching images and lots of easy to understand infographics with the objective of giving a reader-friendly experience to as wide an audience as possible. Product was created for the Government Affairs division of the Nuclear Energy Institute, Inc. 

Click here to see a flip-book of the print layout.
"The Nuclear Energy: Just the Facts booklet is a fun and informative read, whether you are an experienced nuclear advocate, or a young student. It breaks down technical topics into an easy-to-digest narrative and format. It’s the type of product you can leave on the coffee table that will surely get picked up!"
– Hilary Lane, Director, Fuel & Radiation Safety at Nuclear Energy Institute​​​​​​​
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